
Nikkormat FTn

Looks like a brick - feels like a brick

The Nikkormat FTn (1967) is a continuation of the FT (1965) upgraded with an open TTL metering system with readout both in the viewfinder and on the top deck. Shutter speed is selected with a collar ring at the base of the F-mount in front. Once you get used to it, it works just perfect.

Nikkormat FTn

The camera weighs a ton, be sure to use a broad camera strap with it. Heavy and slightly cumbersome as it might be, this machine has grown to be one of my absolute favourites. Past on to me from my late father, it has a special place in my heart. But I’m not only sentimental. The old banger produces pictures of the highest quality.

The lens attatchment prosedure is a thing. Sett the apperture to f5.6 to match the pin (on the body) and the claw (on the lens). When the lens click into its place, twist the apperture ring to its maximum both ways to let the camera know what lens is attatched. Nikon called this lens fitting procedure «indexing». That's just a fancy word for fiddeling.

Strange, but since I’m used to the Nikkormat, I do this drill automatically without thinking with all my SLRs whatever brand and system. Its said that the Nikkormat is a nummer two camera for F2 users. Well, I have a Nikon F2 as well, but I’d rather take the Nikkormat to a photoshoot.

You can quick and easy check out the dept of field by pressing down the button next to the release button with your index finger. This will stop down the apperture to whatever setting you have selected on the lens. Such a genius feature should be mandadory by law!

Nikkormat FTn Nikkormat FTn

  • A Nikkormat will probably outlive you
  • It is tough as nails - impressive build quality
  • The metal bladed shutter does the job - each and every time 
  • Wide array of excelent Nikkor optics to choose from 
  • Meter reading from the top deck

  • The weight of quality can still be a burdon
  • The lens attatchment might be fiddly before getting used to 
  • It requires the discontinued PX625 mercury batteries (1,35V)

If you accept the weight of a full metall quality camera body, you’ve got a friend for life. The Nikkormat is not ment for dust free camera collection cabinets, its made to be used and abused.

Sample pictures:

The seafarer, Nikkormat FTn

Our old dog, Nikkormat FTn

Øystein, Nikkormat FT

Mother and child, Nikkormat FT

Vigelandsparken | Nikkormat FT3

Jørgen 1992

Old dog inn the summer meadow | Nikkormat FTn